George Alexandru BOLDEIU
Data și ora: 2024-04-30 14:00
Locația: ETTI, Sala consiliu și Microsoft Teams
Rezumat teză de doctorat: Accesează
Frequency limitations of resonance frequencies for SAW devices, fabricated on classical piezoelectric bulk substrates like Lithium Niobate, Lithium Tantalite, Quartz, etc. generate novel technologies for manufacturing of SAW devices. One of them consists in SAW manufacturing on thin layers of wide bandgap III-Nitride type piezoelectric semiconductor layers like GaN, AlN, ScAlN, deposited or grown on bulk semiconductor (Si, SiC, Diamond) or dielectric (Sapphire) substrates. The topic of this thesis targets developing of SAW devices on such novel layered structures and also on the development of novel and performant temperature and magnetic sensors. The work also has analyzed the coupling of surface acoustic waves with spin waves, using, for the first time, a SAW structure manufactured on ScAlN/Si. In most applications, the increase of the resonance frequencies (which can exceed 10 GHz for such layered structures) has beneficial effects. The work has 7 chapters; after an introduction (chapter 1), in chapters 2-5 there are presented the novel devices developed and the most important original results. The presentation fits on authors main scientific contributions (journal and conference papers). The author describes a few novel temperature sensors, a magnetic sensor, all developed on different layered structures; he also presents a very efficient coupling of surface acoustic waves with spin waves, for the first time on a ScAlN/Si structure, for both the Rayleigh mode as well as for the Sezawa mode, fist time. The work had as result 6 ISI publications (1 Q1, 4 Q2, 1 Q4) and 6 papers published in the Proceedings of important conferences. The publication list, and the effective contribution of the author to each paper are detailed in chapter 6. The conclusions are presented in the last chapter, 7.

Conducător de doctorat

CSI Dr. fiz. Alexandru MULLER, I.N.C.D. pentru Microtehnologie din București, România.

Comisie de doctorat

Prof. dr. ing. Ion MARGHESCU, Universitatea Națională de Știință și Tehnologie Politehnica București, România
Prof. dr. ing. Liviu GORAȘ, Universitatea Tehnică “Gheorghe Asachi” din Iași, România
CS I Dr. fiz. Adrian DINESCU, I.N.C.D. pentru Microtehnologie din București, România
Prof. dr. ing. Gheorghe BREZEANU, Universitatea Națională de Știință și Tehnologie Politehnica București, România.

Comisie de îndrumare

CS I Dr. fiz. Adrian DINESCU, I.N.C.D. pentru Microtehnologie din București, România
CS I Dr. fiz. Mircea DRAGOMAN, I.N.C.D. pentru Microtehnologie din București, România
Prof. dr. ing. Gheorghe BREZEANU, Universitatea Națională de Știință și Tehnologie Politehnica București, România.