2022 Admissions Calendar


September 26 — 27: candidate registration
September 30: admission interview and defense of the postdoctoral research projects
September 3: list of admitted candidates [download]
October 3: matriculation


April 18 — 27: candidate registration
April 28 — 29: admission interview and defense of the postdoctoral research projects
May 2: list of admitted candidates [download]
May 5: matriculation

The Doctoral School of Electronics, Telecommunications, and Information Technology (SD-ETTI) organizes admissions for the advanced postdoctoral research programme. To participate, all the necessary information can be found in the admission methodology available here [link].

The candidates’ files will be sent, according to the calendar, in electronic format via the UNSTPB’s admissions platform available here [https://admitere.pub.ro/].