The Doctoral School of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology is established and operates in accordance with the following normative acts:
- The National Education Law no. 1/2011 with subsequent amendments and completions [link].
- The Code of Doctoral Studies approved by H.G. no. 681/2011 [link].
- Law no. 288/2004 regarding the Organization of university studies [link], with the amendments from Law no. 49/2013 [link].
- Order no. 3482/2016 on the approval of the Regulation on the organization and functioning of the National Council for Attestation of University Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates (CNATDCU) [link].
- Order no. 6102/2016 for the approval of the Framework Methodology regarding the organization of the admission in the cycles of undergraduate, master and doctoral studies [link], with the subsequent modifications from the Order no. 3062/2018 [link].
- Order no. 5923/2016 for the approval of the Methodology regarding the recognition of the doctoral degree and the doctoral degree in sciences or in a professional field, obtained abroad [link].
- Order no. 5110/2018 regarding the approval of the minimum national standards for granting the doctoral title [link].
- Order no. 3131/2018 on the inclusion of ethics and academic integrity courses in the curricula, for all university study programs organized in higher education institutions in the national education system [link].
- Order no. 5229/2020 on the approval of the Methodologies regarding the granting of the habilitation certificate, the granting of the doctoral title, as well as the settlement of complaints regarding non-compliance with quality or professional ethics standards, including regarding the existence of plagiarism [link].
- Order no. 3200/2020 on the approval of the Methodology for the evaluation of doctoral studies and the systems of criteria, standards and performance indicators used in the evaluation [link].